Saturday, 28 January 2012


Good morning!

I've been awake and guzzling coffee since 5.45am this morning.

One of my friends had her placement phone call yesterday so I'm being ultra-prepared this morning, just in case they're doing Saturday calls!

Been spending this time productively though, making a list of the ID I'll need to take with me when I move to Japan.

So far:

IDP (International Driver's Permit, just in case I'm given a Driving placement)

UK Driver's License (Photocard and Paper Counterpart)

Passport (For obvious reasons...)

As much as I'm terrified of the application process, I'm looking forward to adding "Alien Registration Card" or "Gaijin Card" to that list.

From what I've gleaned from the good old Internet, the Gaijin Card will trump the lot of them. But all are necessary in their own way.

Today I have a short shift at work which is lovely! Going there day after day is draining... I've been very honest and forthright with them about my impending emigration. I gave them almost five weeks notice (as opposed to the required one week) of my resignation. I've tried to keep the gushing and the factoid spewing to a minimum.

However, there's absolutely no understanding from them. Basically, they don't get why I'd give up (what really is) a good job to move to the other side of the world, to a country I've never visited, to do a job I've never done... Yesterday, I let them know I may receive a phone call confirming my departure date, my placement, the rest of my freakin' life... I was given a flat out "Tough cookies" from them. After explaining that the call was coming from Tokyo, they relented slightly...

I can see the merit in objecting. I would support it if I was taking a call to arrange a night out or just to chat. This call is the gateway to my future. I don't understand.

Still, what's a boy to do?

It'll all be over soon, I won't be working in finance anymore. I may be going to a country so foreign that it's a little scary, to do an infinitely more difficult job than the one I currently have. But that's ok. That's part of the adventure.

I've been fortunate enough to have about three weeks from leaving this job to leaving the country. I'm hoping this buffer will act as the respite I've planned it to be. To soothe and energise all the bits of me that have been inflamed and scratched by working in finance for the last two years.

It will be nice.

After work I'm meeting with my oldest friend, we're having lunch. A time to touch base with each other before the year starts flowing properly. I'm moving to Japan and she'll be walking the Great Wall of China this October to raise money and awareness for Sue Ryder.

Her donation link is here:

Give what you can, or pass the word about (especially if you're from the UK) that a local lass with a big heart (and sturdy shoes) will be doing this. I think donations can be made from anywhere in the world, if you can give anything at all, please do.

So yes. I've forgotten the point really. But today should be good.


Especially if I get the placement phone call... <fingers crossed>

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