Monday 19 March 2012

A beautiful day.

Yesterday, I spent the day with my Dad.

We went to Comrie, a place where my family used to visit every week (we had a caravan there) and a place that holds a lot of really treasured memories.

I wanted to go there because of those reasons and because, quite simply, it's a really beautiful place.

We walked for miles (approx. 8 of them) and just blethered and spent time together, time which is quickly running out.

It was emotional, yes. But at the same time, it was good. I felt really connected to my Dad. He's my guy. If it wasn't for him, who knows where or what I'd be. He's a good man. A flawed man, absolutely (who isn't?) But he's kind, gentle and always tries to see the good in things.

I feel good knowing he has my back, that he supports me in this whole "lets move a bajillion miles away" thing.

Just a few pictures of the day (apologies for the non-rotated ones...)

The beauty of the hills and the countryside was soothing. Especially as today is my last full day in the UK and things will be hectic.

Off to get ready for lunch with my Dad and my sister. Another emotional roller coaster... Will probably post a last minute blog this evening, just to purge the nerves and the fear and the excitement.


Thursday 15 March 2012

Five days to go...

My Visas are done.

Most of my suitcase is packed.

Still have a lot of stuff to do and not a lot of time left.

Good news though...

I was told where I'll be living for the next year which was pretty exciting! I'll be down in southern Kyushu in Miyazaki Prefecture. My city is called Ebino. Very exciting. The city flag is purple. I'm taking this as a good sign.

Obviously, I've done as much research as I can in the last 24 hours and it looks like it's gonna be a pretty awesome place to live. I just hope it lives up to my freshly-forged expectations.

Anyways, just a quick blog today... I have a lot to do and I've got about two hours to do it all... Looking after my two nephews for an hour or so then off out for my "Last Supper" with friends. Expect tears. and maybe some snot too...

Peace Yo!

Wednesday 7 March 2012

The cull.


I feel very ill today.

I have filled thirteen black bags with rubbish. When I say rubbish, I mean the sentimental things that I've surrounded myself with over the years in an attempt to feel secure.

Things I DON'T NEED.

It really is that simple. The rubbish bags don't actually have any worth. Approximately 90% of the stuff in my bedroom has no worth. They are empty tokens. The don't serve any purpose.

So I'm getting rid.

I have to.

I have thirteen days to go before I leave the country for an indefinite period of time. I need to get on with this.

I still have to secure a visa for China but will do that at the start of next week.

I have my last dental appointment tomorrow which is exciting.

But the most major of the major developments: I got my TB test all done yesterday and I got the results (I think) there and then. Have scanned them and emailed them over to Japan! Huzzah!

That was probably the biggest worry (after getting a training venue and securing my Japanese visa) in this journey, so it is calming to have that taken care of.

I'm going to sign off again for now. Might make it fourteen black bags before the day is out... Who knows?

Monday 5 March 2012

15 Days To Go...


Hope everyone is doing ok? I've been awful at blogging recently but it has been in my thoughts amongst all of the other stuff I'm contending with... And it's the thought that counts, right?

I have fifteen days to go until I up sticks and move to the other side of the world (literally)... I'm getting so excited but am starting to feel the nervous twinges as I go about my daily business... I have my flights booked, my Visa is sorted, I've been eye-tested and new glasses have been ordered!

I've been placed for training in Fukuoka, on the island of Kyushu. It's gonna be warm! It'll also be really good. It will. Still don't know exactly where I'll be living but that's ok, it's ok because I'm going and things have a knack of working themselves out. There's still the chance of being placed before I leave but I'm not pinning everything on that. I'll be placed before I go, or when I get there. S'all good!

My flight is a bit of a doozy if I'm honest, I have a 21 hour layover in China which effectively adds an extra day on to my travels. However, it means I have the luxury of sleeping in a real bed, having a hot shower and being refreshed before I hit Japan. It may also help with the jet lag but I'll get back to you on that one! The main benefits are a huge luggage allowance and it was relatively inexpensive compared to other flights so I'm completely on board with it. Just means I have to secure a visa for China at some point this week... Oh well... Just another chapter in the adventure!

I really need to get a move on with packing... I have most of the stuff I want/need to take with me (and probably some stuff I don't need too) so all I have to do is get another suitcase and split the stuff between the two.

And then it's the dreaded room clear out. It's proving to be difficult because my attention span is short right now and it's a tad emotional, packing everything away and throwing a heck of a lot out... It has to be done though so I'm sure I'll find the resolve somewhere.

This post seems to have devolved into a random outpouring of the thoughts that are swirling around in my head right now... Sorry about that. I guess the old saying of "Better out than it" is ringing true right about now!

Anyway, I shall sign off for now. Must do stuff.