Monday 16 July 2012


i survived the weekend. i had no doubt about it. it's just difficult sometimes.

i was productive and today i had fun and continued the exploration, continued the pilgrimage.

let's all find ourselves, ok?


Saturday 14 July 2012


i'm feeling particularly lazy this weekend. no inclination whatsoever to do anything...

maybe it's the heat, maybe work has finally made me realise how unfit and tired i am?

whatever it is, i plan on doing very little this weekend, even though it's a long one... (gotta love japan's massive amount of national holidays, especially a week before breaking off for summer vacation!)

we'll see though, i'm pretty famous for big sweepy statements that don't get followed...

asides for the tired feeling it's an anniversary this weekend and it's the first time i've had it and not been in a place i really "know"... i'll survive though, we're built tough enough in my family.

yesterday saw the first of the alts in my area leave which was a little sad. sad because he was a genuinely nice guy and also because he's the first: he marks the beginning of the end for the rest of them...

there'll be a new batch flocking in soon enough but the folk i've met here are pretty amazing so it'll be tough to see them go...

we went out for dinner and then ice cream. there was beer too. =) a good wee send off i think!

i've collected eight mosquito bites in the last few days: one of the little buggers has managed to get into my apartment which isn't fun.

i smooshed a whopper of one last night so hopefully that was the chap using me as an all you can eat buffet... there's one on the sole of my foot (a bite that is, not a mosquito) which is particularly annoying... oh well.

i really should be cleaning my apartment because it's a bit of a tip: this last week has been pretty hectic and when i've not been bopping about town or working i've been waging war on the heat. my strategy is: if i'm asleep i don't feel the heat...

there have been more than a fair few naps this week...

i got a wee care package from my best friend this week which was ace: chewy sweeties from home, a gossip magazine because the confessional misery of "real life stories" makes me smile and cringe simultaneously, the local paper from my uni town ('mon the Tele) and a lovely paperchase card. fair made me smile so it did.

i'm saving the sweets for as long as possible but I've got a feeling i may be indulging over the weekend!

anyways: my apartment calls... more when i'm not being oppressed by the heat.


ps. happy birthday to my best friend (see "care package" above) hope you have a great day today Amy! =) x

Sunday 8 July 2012


this weekend was the tanabata festival: you make wish trees and then tie your wishes to them in the hope that they'll be granted! the trees are super pretty. =)

i'd write more but this is the first hot sunny, not humid, day that we've had in forever. i'm going to go enjoy it. once i've done the laundry...
